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Let's leave only footprints and trees...



Essential path towards sustainability and climate balance on the planet.

Trees are essential to slowing the impacts of climate change and preserving the planet’s balance. That’s why, with your support, we are committed to planting trees in places where they have been removed, restoring what has been lost and protecting biomes that are vital to life on Earth.

With each planting, we recover and maintain ecosystem services that are essential to life on Earth, as they protect our water sources, regulate rainfall, prevent floods, ensure climate stability, preserve biodiversity and maintain pollinators, among other benefits.


Ecosystem Services

Ecosystem services are fundamental benefits that natural ecosystems, such as forests, rivers, oceans and grasslands, provide to humanity. They are indispensable for the sustainability of the natural environment and for human well-being, directly influencing our economy, health and quality of life. They are:


How do we recover ecosystems?

Restoring ecosystems goes far beyond planting trees. It involves joining forces with local communities, protecting vulnerable natural areas and promoting sustainable land management practices. This is a collaborative effort that requires constant dedication and cooperation between all involved.



Funders are key

in the restoration of ecosystems, understanding the importance of regenerating degraded areas.

Your financial support enables tree planting and other initiatives vital to environmental recovery.

This investment not only preserves the environment, but also strengthens biodiversity and ensures a better planet for future generations.




Collaborating with forest peoples and family farmers is essential to define planting objectives, which range from restoring springs and riparian forests to implementing agroforestry systems.

This work not only restores forests and balances the climate, but also helps families diversify their income by growing fruit trees.

In this way, we promote local economic development by creating forests that are ecological and productive.


Careful planning is essential for successful forest restoration and the implementation of effective and sustainable agroforestry systems, as these systems involve the integration of agricultural practices with forest conservation.

This method enriches biodiversity, increases productivity and promotes sustainability, bringing lasting environmental benefits and improving the quality of life of local communities.


Reforestation stages

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Seed collection

The seeds used in planting are also acquired from indigenous extractivists and collectors, valuing local knowledge, inclusion and income generation for local communities.

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Seedling production

The seedlings are grown in partner nurseries, which guarantees the production of seedlings of species native to the Amazon biome.

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The seedlings are planted at the beginning of the rainy season, which generally begins in the second half of November and lasts until the end of March in the state of Rondônia. We do this in partnership with farmers and local helpers.

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We monitor and maintain the restoration through appropriate fertilization, weed control, and replanting of seedlings that do not survive the first year. In addition, we offer technical assistance and guidance to ensure the health and healthy growth of the trees.

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As the seedlings grow, family farmers harvest the fruits from the trees, providing an additional source of income for their families. This process not only promotes sustainable development but also improves the quality of life for farmers and the local community while conserving the ecosystem.

Social and Environmental Benefits

Our social and environmental benefits range from promoting responsible agricultural practices to restoring essential ecosystems. By implementing sustainable strategies such as planting trees and using agroforestry systems, we can not only ensure food security and income generation for local communities, but also preserve vital natural resources and combat climate change. Through effective global partnerships, we join forces to strengthen sustainable development, ensuring a lasting positive impact on both the environment and society.


Food safety

We contribute to the restoration of river sources and riparian forests, which are essential for ensuring drinking water for local communities and for preserving the environment.

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Drinking water

We contribute to the restoration of river sources and riparian forests, which are essential for ensuring drinking water for local communities and for preserving the environment.

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Income generation

Using agroforestry systems, we protect the soil and provide family farmers with the opportunity to harvest fruits to generate additional income.

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Supply of natural resources

Through reforestation, we create sustainable economic opportunities, including the production of timber, fruits, herbs and other forest products that drive local development while ensuring the sustainable use of natural resources.

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Combating climate change

We contribute to the restoration of river sources and riparian forests, which are essential for ensuring drinking water for local communities and for preserving the environment.

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Ecological balance

By planting trees, we are preserving healthy ecosystems that play a fundamental role in regulating the climate, purifying water and ensuring the survival of diverse plant, animal and microorganism species.

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Establishment of


By establishing global partnerships between companies, NGOs and cooperatives, we enable the achievement of sustainable development goals. These collaborations strengthen local and global actions, promoting sustainable technologies and ecosystem restoration. In this way, we directly impact the mitigation of climate change.

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SDG - Sustainable Development Goals

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here we answer some common questions about how reforestation works in the Amazon. If your question is not answered here, get in touch with us and we will help!

  • How much does it cost to plant a tree in the Amazon?
    The investment required to plant trees in the Amazon varies greatly and will depend on the number of trees, the location, the objective, the monitoring time and the deliveries the client wants. Contact us to find out the size of your forest!
  • Can anyone contribute?
    Yes, everyone can contribute to a greener future by supporting the planting of native trees in the Amazon region.
  • Is there a minimum number of trees to plant?
    There is no minimum quantity, you can contribute as many trees as you want through collective planting or by supporting one of our projects. To view the options, access the "Forests" menu or contact us.
  • What is the minimum number of trees to have my own forest?
    For companies that want to have their own forest, it is necessary to plant a minimum of 1,000 trees.
  • What proves the planting?
    All of our plantations are georeferenced, photographed and publicly registered on forest monitoring websites such as RESTOR. In addition, we make all plantations publicly available on our website, ensuring transparency for everyone.
  • When are seedlings planted?
    Planting of seedlings occurs at the beginning of the rainy season, which generally begins in the second half of November and lasts until the end of March in the state of Rondônia.
  • What tree species should be planted?
    The seedlings we plant are native species from the Amazon, such as Cocoa, Buriti, Cumaru, Ipê, Chestnut, among others. The choice of species is made based on the specific planting location and its characteristics, with the aim of respecting the diversity of the local ecosystem.
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